Sunday, December 27, 2009
Random musing-1
Hands on the hips.. tring to b transfixed...
Flying above the head, group of wings..
Oblivious to the world around.. just being absorbed in their thoughts!.. :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
::Unspoken Thoughts::
Hey, u beautiful,
The glint in your eyes says it all,
Words are mundane rituals long gone by,
Actions r out of sync with the plausible,
When mind wanders in the limitless direction..
Hey, u beautiful,
The smile on ur lips says it all,
It disarms even the non-compliant,
They quiver out of un-reason,
And set quite a few things in disarray..
Hey, u beautiful
The words from ur mouth says it all,
Keep listening to the melody,
Unmindful of the streaming river,
Just focussing on the sound it speaks..
Hey, u beautiful,
Just being around says it all,
Understanding the unspoken,
Persuading the unbroken,
Ur fragrance that makes a connection..
Hey,u beautiful,
Just being u is much more than it meets the eye!..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My Life according to Literature!..
Sept 3rd 2009
Describe Yourself: Life of a Pi (Yann Martel) (Adventerous!..) , iWoz(Steve Wozniak)
How do you feel: Screw It, Lets Do it(Richard Branson)
Describe where you currently live: Keep off the grass!.. ;) (Karan Bajaj) ( Don't cm near my house!. Evil eyes!..;))
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The India I Love(Ruskin Bond) (Different shades of My Country!.. :) )
Your favorite form of transportation: Lost flamingoes of Bombay (Siddharth Sanghvi)(I make do with CTS bus 4 a change!..)
Your best friend is: One 100 years of solitude(Gabriel) (Self-Explanatory!.. :) )
You and your friends are: Wise and Otherwise(Sudha Murthy) (Guess who is who!.. ;) ), The Book Thief(Markus Zusac)
What’s the weather like: Above Average (Amitabh Bagchi) :)
Favourite time of day: Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie)(Actually the reverse!.. Break of the Dawn!.. ;) )
What is life to you: Tha Da Vinci Code(Dan Brown) (Entangled in Mysteries!.. ;) )
Your fear: Black Margins(Sa'dat Hasan Manto)
What is the best advice you have to give: Stay hungry,Stay Foolish (And make other fellow also foolish!..)
Thought for the Day: How to have a Beautiful Mind(Edward de Bono)(Lively!.. )
How you would like to die: Cold Steel(Tim Bouquet and Byron Ousey) (Down but not out!.. :) )
Your soul’s present condition: The Hungry tide (Amitav Ghosh)
Hope u liked it!... :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Social Tweet-Working!..
July 16th '09
One more day(rather evening!..) of solitary confinement in my room trying to pass the time(tick..tick) looking at the incessant rain falling for two endless days.. Days in which i got totally wet trying to reach for my Bus.. Lived off the tidbits of small offerings called Food which was forcefully packed with my luggage(some of them w/o my information!..) by mommy dearest (so glad for doing this!.. )..Nothing but 3 morons living off in a cranky apartment sometimes w/o water.. lots of extra-terrestial objects and 2 tubes and 2 fans!..
In this time of forced distress.. there are lots of things i catch up on!.. More importantly the reading part!.. Read like anything in the past 1 week(Completed 3-4 books!.. ;)) Reading is the one thing that i enjoy doing any part of the day or night btw!.. whether its right after waking up on saturday mornings or before midnight customary sleep-in time.. Battling my eyelids to give that one extra minute to catch up on the next interesting page!.. :)
Anyways this is not the time to talk of the reading part!.. Whats keeping me busy these days is the numerous social networking sites that i had been logging in lately!.. (Gosh!.. So may of them that i dont remember the passwords of all!.. :)) esp. in this time of Nothing-to-do-coz-of-rain!..
So my time of the evening and early part of night is spent on browsing through the sites!.. Trying to chat with a friend far away or close by!..
Facebook, Orkut etcetc there r so many of them!.. Lately i have been Twittering(Nothing to do with my anthropolgy btw!.. I m still a human!.. ;)) Without making the customary bird-sound(well..i can try though!.. :) )
Twitter is a new micro-blogging site..i had a chance encounter with!.. (more by force than by will!..) when the whole world was going ga-ga over its sweet sound!.. The morons from mars and venus sharing their minuest part of their life with such alarming regularity is fascinating and scaring!.. Something happens in the next minute or so.. Woosh!.. Next minute it is on the site! Tweet!.. whether they r passing through a every-year-same-story watterlogged streets of mumbai or sitting-in-a-bad-hotel munching on their dosas and coke.. (Wonder they text.. eating off one hand and the mobile on the other!.. :)) Like we give a damn!.. :)
But the more i think of it.. it enables to share the details of our life.. whats happening and what's not-so-happening!.. Fascinating though!..
There r lots of i-tweet-every-second types on twitter i came across in these last few days!... One of them being Gul Panag!.. My God!.. She tweets like anything!.. Somehow i think of whether she lives-for-twittering or twittering-to-live!.. ;)
Like the way Shashi Tharoor (One of my fav. authors incidently!..) tweets here!.. Not-so-much-details but enuf-to-chew-upon!.. (Else the mandarins(No chinese connection that is left for the Left parties to deal with!..) in the North-Block (or is it South?) will gun for his head!..)
But it helps in some serious issues as well!.. Witness what happens over the IranElections!.. When their censorship-happy leaders tried to block every form of medium of expressions!.. Came to the resue.. Facebook and Twitter.. So it can serve as a powerful source of social awakening and bonding!.. :)
Tryting to be Twitter-ready!.. So that this-good-for-nothing (apart from eating and reading!.. :)) soul gets some Footage!..
Happy Tweeting!... (But watch out for your beak though!.. Dont get hurt!.. ;) )
Latest Tweet :- Rain Rain Everywhere!.. Not a drop to drink!.. ;)
We the (IT) People!.
July 17th '09
We the (IT) People are a pampered lot,
Every1 trying to get our riches which is long lost!...
We the (IT) People get a special "Concession"
Wherever we go, there r special rates just for our 'tag'-ification!..
We the (IT) People get special discount,
After inflating the prices many times count!..
We the (IT) People dont get the house,
Coz we r bachelors and dont have decent spouse!..
We the (IT) People spend a bomb,
Everything from clothes to comb!..
We the (IT) People have a weekend off,
Dont remember the week long gone!..
What required is Conversion from,
"We the (IT) People" to "We the People" :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Just why do i come here..Ohhooo..ohhooo..
To look at the empty chairs,
Dart through the Montior in despair, Ohhoo..
Look around the harrowed faces here n there
Roam about near-full rooms for some spare.. Ohhoo..
Just why do i come here..Ohhooo..Ohhooo..
Expecting a call in progress,
Today or tomorow it will buttress, Ohhoo..
Somewhere, someone will pick a receiver n congress
I wait for that moment to emanate.. Ohhoo..
Just why do i come here..Ohhooo..Ohhooo..
Shifting-through the bus window- my gaze,
Wasting my hours to this haze..Ohhoo..
Back n forth in this jungle n mess,
Filled with void in between two rummages..Ohhoo..
Just why do i come here..Ohhooo..Ohhooo..
To pack n go out for a distant place,
Guess this is a routine in this duress..Ohhoo..
I aspired much more than being sag and perplexed,
To get on with something substantial where i m adept..Ohhoo..
Still why do i come here..Ohhoo..Ohhoo..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July 1st '09
Disclamer :- All the characters in this story is fictional. Any resemblance to living and dead, Working or on bench, On the rolls or fired is purely co-incidental!..
Interviews!.. What a dreaded word!.. Interviews can sometimes be funny, crap, useless, interesting, insightful, eye-opener!..
Well most of time it hinges on two extremes of painful disintegration of one's self confidence or an insulin shot to the already diabetic patient low on sugar!.. Most of the times its former rather than the latter..
Interviews for joining an organization is pretty cakewalk as compared to the project interviews!
CHR : Welcome!..Please sit down!..
VG:(Already sweating at what to expect) Thanks.. (Takes his position)
CHR: So tell me about urself (Looking @ if it is a blank piece of paper!..)
VG: I m VG.. Have done.. Blah Blah for 5-10 minutes!. (consciously, tring to remember the script!..)
CHR: Where do u see yourself 5 years from now?
VG:(If i had know 4 yrs down the line i would be an engineer!..;)) On some higher position to the present one!.. (Didnt know what lay ahead!..Its the safest Bet!..)
Then some technical questions!.. N voila!.. Interview finished!..
CHR: Anything u wanna ask?
VG: ( i selected?.. wats my salary?.. Where i would be posted?..) No.
CHR: Thanks. Cya
VG: Thanks!..
On the way out .. (Having i done well?.. Did i sit properly.. Have i blabbered unnecessary things??..) Swamped with humanity on all side..What did he asked?..How was the interview!.. Well By that time VG was floating in his imaginary world.. Oblivious to the outside hullabaloo...
Result :- Selected!..
Now in the organization!..Rigorous training!.. Passing all in flying colors!..
Standing before a project interviewer!..(After a 5 month hiatus!.. Well dont know whether he was sleeping or the other side!.. )
ST: U will have to give a 40 question test then technical panel interview.. then HR interview!..
VG: (Huff!.. Burnout!.. ) Okay.
ST: Sit in the room. Ur 30 minutes starts now!..
VG: (Tick..Tick..) Ann..wats was the
ST: Time is up. Result in 10 min.
VG: okay.
(After 30 minutes!..)
ST: Lets have an interview!..
VG: okay.
(Interview Starts)
ST: What is overridding.. what is overloading..what is a servlet.. threads.. sql..
VG: ( God!.. ) yeah..overriding is.. overloading is... servlet... (One by one answers all!.. Perspiring!.. )
ST: Okay we will let u know the result!..
After 3-4 days..
ST: Hey, u r selected. Join the project from 2morow!..
VG: Thanks!.. (Estatic!.. First project..New team!.. New Experience!..)
After 5 months...Project finished.(Nothing like VG was supposed to have as a first project...)
Next interview!..After 2 months (Still sleeping!.. these fellows!..)
RG: Hey, i have an opportunity for u.. Come to see me
VG:(Gosh!.. Atlast something to chew about!..) Yes sir. I will b there
Next Day..
RG: This is the project. Duration 2 months.. Liked to do it?
VG: (Wow..what a breeze!..No ques. asked!.. I like this guy!..) Yes. Sir!..
(Waise VG was pretty tired of waiting for the imaginary calls!.. Its time to Do some action!..)
After two months!.. VG was Released!..(Released as in not like from a jail!.. Quite dejected to go actually!..)
Eerie Silence for two more months!.. (Hmm..Do these guys work at all??..)
After 2 months!.. Next call!..
JC: Come down for an opportunity tomorow.
VG: Okay
A day passes by...
(What project?.. Which technology?.. What will he ask?.. I think this neurotic nervousness is eternal for a IT prof.)
JC: Can u come @ 5?..
VG: (Importance of time!..) ya..sure (What work do i have anyways!..)
At 5'0 clock..
JC: U have worked on so and so tech. So cm 2morow and meet PC.
VG: (??.. ) Okay..
A day passes by...
VG: Hello, Sir. U called me today.
JC: Can u come @ 4. Will introduce u to PC.
VG:(This much footage i didnt encountered while meeting my college prof.) Okay.
At 4 'o Clock..
VG: Hello, Sir
JC: Oh.. yes..
VG: Sir the interview?
JC: Ohh..ya.. Come..
PC: Hi, Come lets have a discussion.
VG: Okay.
PC: How much 'live' exp. do have on so-so tech.
VG: 5 monts.
PC: Ohh.. We were luking for 1.5. Fire-fighting actually. Sorry.
Interview time :- 5 sec!..
(By the time VG was seeting with anger. Didnt they study the resume? Dont they plan beforehand?. Every1 asks for 'live' project exp. But where does one get from?.. Why do they take freshers then?.. Blah Blah!.. )
VG: okay. No problem. Help yourself. Thanks for ur time.
(His time was 5 sec.. Mine was 2 1/2 days!..)
Next i heard VG was getting calls for a far-away place in the middle of sea to give the interviews!..
He's become expert in interviews now!.. If have any queries then please email @
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Cinema Cinema-II
June 23rd '09
So after a dig at the most popular dialogues of the Hindi Film Industry, so we now look into the most funny dance sequences n lyrics to have greeeted us and made us laugh!..
Lets start off by quoting the most hilarious ones first!.. N no one can beat Govinda in this game of upmanship!..
"Ladki kamaal re ki akhiyo se Goli mare, Dishkyon!.." with Chi-Chi (wat funny petname!.. ;))trying to seduce Ravina tondon with a metaphor which our security establishment would love to emulate!.. Imagine cops killing the terrorists with their eyes!..(wat u started imagining!.. lolz!..) No Guns..No real Bullets!.. (They dont have it anyways!.. )
Another Govinda number(out of 100's) "Main toh raaste se jaa raha tha..Main toh bhel puri kha raha tha!..etcetc" Hmm.. No Comments!.. ;)
These Filmi-waalas have innate ability to come with the most outrageous filler-words in the songs..
Sample this.. "oh keindie pump up the jame oh keinde..O jaane jaana Keinde(Partner)" N wat in this world does that mean!.. Uff!..
"Roozi bood aasheqat boodam Az daste to kheyli raazi boodam Ammaa to ba'd sheytooni kardi Nazdike,bure bure ham ham ham shaitaan zara zara bachna re hamse(Bluff-Master)" Arabics @ work!.. Do not disturb!.. Btw if u get the meaning..Please lemme know!..
"Ooonnnn...Ooonnnnn...." Do i say more..yes u guessed it right!.. Himesh reshammiya with his Nasal twangs!.. Repeated again n again.. over different movies for added effects of hallucinations!... :)
Speaking of Himesh.. He has this unique style of repeatition!.. Must have got a beating at school.. Lessons learnt the hard way!..
"Kitne Armaan maan maan maan..." Gosh!.. Its never gonna stop!.. "Ashiq banaya..Ashiq banaya..Ashiq banaya!.." 3 in the price of 1!.. Not baad hun!.. :)
A full Biography can be written on him and his antics..But we leave it to Ashaji to show him his place!..
well it amazes me to see using them religious words in every other song!.. Well they must be appealing to our emotions i guess!..
In welcome!.. "Inshallah..Inshallah!.. " Notice the hero..err Villans uttering this while dancing so hideously!.. utter Disrespect to the sacred words!..
"ya ali madad ali..ya ali yeh meri zindagi!.. (Gangster)"
"khwaja mere khwaja.. (Jodha Akbar)"
"Mata ke bhakt hain hum..(I guess..Khiladi)" But one thing is sure.. They r very soulful n pleasing to listen!.. :)
Hey..Hey..Getting off track!.. Watch out!... So coming back to the funny theme...
Ever noticed the expressions on our evergreen heroes of yesterday!.. Rajesh khanna..Raj kumar..Jitendra.. etc!.. W/o any funny lines in the songs they can make us laugh!..
"Ek Banjara gaye.. Jeene ki raah dikhaye" Observe Jitendra!.. N the funny saadi waving of 'only-for-dancing' actress!.. N the waiter too!.. playing the Langdi game!.. ;)
"Yeh duniya yeh mehfil.. Mere kaam ki nahi!.." Though i like the song for its singing more.. Watch the expressions of Raj Kumar!.. Out of this world!.. U will fall off laugh seeing the over-dramatics!.. :)
"Main toh jhum jhum jhum jhum jhumroo.." Shahrukh ne yaahi se copy kiya hain!... K..K..K..K.. Kiran!..
"Yamma..yamma..yamma..yamma..yeh khubsurat saama!.." dont know the meaning!..Some name or situation maybe!??.. Actor feeling uneasy!.. ;)
N many more!.. Its exhaustive!..
"Tan-tana-tan-tan-tan-taaraa, chalti hai kya nau se baaraah ? shaam ke show ki do ticktein hain, khol ke purse batlaaoon; samajh na mujhko aisa-waisa, mere batue mein hai paisa" Salmaan patoing another Girlfriend!..
"Gore gore mukhde pe kaalaa kaalaa chashma, tauba khuda khair kare, khoob hai karishma".. n it had Raveena as lead!.. :)
"Main aaye hoon UP Bihar lootne".. Shilpa sheety ko koi samjhao!..
"Meri pant bhi sexy, meri shirt bhi sexy……………..yeh rumaal bhi sexy hai" Use of expletives!.. I dont comment on that!.. Good boy!.. hehe.. ;)
Well..Many more!.. But No time!..
(N u had the Guts to read it to the last!.. Hats off 2 u!.. lol!.. ;))
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Cinema Cinema!.. PART-I
June 18th '09
From the tiltle if ur thinking that it will b another run-off-the-mill bollywood review blog then ur partly right n mostly wrong ;) Well it would be a review all right but of a different kind!.. :P
Well... Imagine ourselves viewing a flick of the 80's n 90's with great interest and enjoying the over-the-top dialogues be it a Sunny Deol action melodrama or a Govinda Masala Masti!.. But when we look back at the movies we cant help but cracking jokes about the funny dialogues and the larger than life ranting of heroes as well as villans!.. Right??..
So here comes some of the rib-tickling moments with some of my comments thrown in to add to the zing!.. Enjoy!..
Scene 1: Enter Gabbar.. "Nach basant naach" !.. (Basanti looking here n there!.. Yeh veeru kyun kuch nahi blo raha!.. )
Viru tied With ropes.. shouts.. "Nahi basanti in kutto ke saamne mat naachna!.." (Like the visual ability is impaired when tied wit ropes!..;))
Previous to this!.. Thakur tied in Gabbar's den.. Enter Gabbar!.. Instead of directly brutalizing the Thakur by chopping off!.. some screen footage!.. "Yeh haath mujhko dede thakur".. Thakur.. 'Nayee' (typical Sanjeev kumar!..Tongue half in the cheeks!.. Half shout with eyebrows raised!.. ;))Again n again!.. Cassette is scratched!.. 'Nayee' 'Nayee'!.. Are baba picture khatam ho jayegi!..kaat dal jaaldi!..
Scene 2: Sunny Deol's scenes r like a manufacturing machine!.. same setting..same product.. new packing!.. Multiple copies!..
There was a time when all his movies seemed all the same!.. Ghayal..Ghatak..Ziddi!.. A protagonist seems hell bent on taking on the system!..
Action!.. "Yeh dhai kilo ka haath..jispe paad jaata..etcetc" (Like we can measure our different body parts individually!.. ;)) Enter Amrish puri!.. Baal zatakte huai!.. "Balwant rai ke kutte"..Amrish..luking back n front!.. Who me?.. son takes off where his father left!.. And the legacy continues!..
Scene 3: "Deewar" Shashi kapoor n Amitabh fighting..Good against Evil!.. "Mera paas Bangla hain..Gaadi hain..etctetc".. Koi hame bhi dilwa do yaar!.. "tere paas kya hain!..".. After a 10 minute pause..With nose going up-up-up..STOP.."Mere paas MAA hain!.. :P".. Tadaan!.. tu jeet gaya bhai!.. ;)
Jammane se bhagate hue!... "Jao pehle us aadmi ka sign leke aao!.. etc".. Shashi kapoor maan main.."Abe unko kahaan dhundo aab!.. tuhi dede Bhai!.."
These n many more scenes categorized n brought to the fore~~ Hindi Writers!..
Scene 4: "Andaz Apna Apna"..Well this is one of the funniest movies to be made ever!.. So many dialogues!.. i cant write here..the page will be full!..
"Mera naam hain Crime master GOGO!.." (notice he is dressed like a spiderman!.. ;) choori..par style se!.. ;)) "Ankein nikaal ke gotiya khelta hun!" (Vohoo!..No comments!.)
"Do chai kun..Ek hi..Ek chai peene se Dosti badhti hain!.." God knows the fact!.. chai peene ke baad aaj tak dono ne saath kaam nahi kiya hain!.. ;)
Scene 5: Govindaa...Ahh..i know u were waiting for it!.. How can b story completed without him!..
Figure him dancing on the road..atop a the garden.. on the roof!.. near swimming pool.. table ke uppar!..( gosh!.. is there a place which is left untouched!.. ) with his belly going up n down like a football wobbling to be kicked!..
Also his antics as a Boy-dressed-as-girls in numerous pictures!~~ If i were to marry this types!.. Mummy..Sucide!.. (No not like Viru in sholay atop a Tank!.. Waise btw how he reaches there is a big secret haan!.. Fire Brigade!.. ;))
"Tere pyaar main kya kya nahi bana Meena..Kabhi bana kutta Kabhi kameena!.." Lot many people r inspired by our macho man Dharam Paaji..Haanji...Enter Karishma kapoor!.. "doosra koi hero bacha nahi hain kya bollywood main!.. Ek hi ke saath nachwaate ho!.."
One of his perennial partner-in-crime (No..i m not talking about casting couch!.. ;)) is Shakti kapoor!.. (So..many kapoors!.. Rename it to Kollywood!..) "Main toh choota sa naanha sa baacha hun" .. Child labour in films!.. Action!.. (Are not that legal action!.. Roll Camera..Action!.. ;) )
Scene 6: Raj Kumar!.. (Chalo 'K' kahin toh aage badha!.. Kapoor se Kumar tak!..) This is my favourite in terms of spicy n Unusual dialogues!..
Action.. sir stand straight!..Without moving!.. "Hum jahaan khade hote hain vahi se line shuru hoti hain!.." All those b4 upon seeing him re-aligns themselves!..unke peeche!.. :)
"Jaani!..Hamara roomal bhi agar choote..toh haath jaal jata!..".. Magic chemical in operation here?..
"Zaamana humse hain..hum zaama ne se nahi!.." With a big cigar in the mouth!.. "Jaani" With hands scratching continuosly on the neck!.. (Jaa-ni aab bas bhi karo!...Itch guard laaga lo!.. ;))
Last but not the very means the Least!.. from my fav movie!..
"Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya hain".. Aaaa thu!.. kadwa hain!.. (TATA namak nahi hain kya!..;))
"Toh aab goli(added emphasis for grter effect!..;)) kha!.."
Dishkyaun..Dishkyaun..Dishkyaun!.. Sshhh... Everywhere Silence with only Birds Making Flapping noise!.. ;)
I rest my Case!.. ;)
P.S. :- Hope u enjoyed it!.. ;) Sequel coming up!.. if only this one is a Box-Office Hit!..Give in ur Tickets as comments!.. ;) Btw its free!.. ;)
P.P.S. :- Green Brigade is making a move on!.. Go Green!..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Morning Blues!..
Well.. Today was also a day similar to several other days when i was well awake @ 7 AM.. But guess what?.. the bus was only 15 minutes away.. n here i was barely out of bed and no way in the world i could have make it through my early rituals to be on time huffing and puffing to the bus stop. So it was another day of failed attempt trying to get up early (Also there was India's match late at night didn't help to further the cause!.. ;)) and going to office by Early-morning (Hardly we can call it a regular bus ;) 7:15 is early boss!.. :))
Well i was dragging my body of early morning slumber(trying to b as slow as possible!.. coz the next scheduled departure was only at 9:45), then suddenly some random lines occurred to me!.. (Considering that my stomach was craving for was quite a mean feat!... ;))
These r figments of my imaginations in early morning hour whn i shud b only bothering abt is putting toothbrush in my mouth!.. :)
I will b late..
Sleep playing mate,
I m not still up-2-date..
Sorry for the fate,
Next time I will set the record straight!.. :)
Estatic in my mind, I started for the mundane things all over again!..
New day..Old habits!.. New thoughts!.. ;)
P.S. :- Notice all the greenery around!.. Gosh!.. This Go Green campaign is starting to have desired effect on me!.. ;) Cheers!..
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Smile intertwined with Sorrow!..
June 3rd '09
Why is that, world is full of sorrows
That we have to laugh a smile borrowed...
So engrossed in daily mundane life,
That we fail to appreciate the minute happy moments...
Quarrels between known and unknown,
That patience is now unheard and unpossessed trait...
Slaying for each other's blood @ the drop of the hat,
That we fail to notice they r our own brethren..
Cries of uneasiness going un-noticed,
Our emotions does not get stirred anymore..
Why is that, world is full of sorrows
That we have to laugh a smile borrowed!...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Na maaloom kis gali main hain mukaam..
Bikhre bikhre hain yeh armaan,
Na jaane kaab poore hone yeh naadaan..
Raaston main milti hain mushkile chaar,
Saath main paar karenge hum, hain yeh aitbaar..
Na jaane kab milengi yeh khushiyaa ya gum,
Bus hum, hum hi raahe badlein na hum!...
Meaning-less Meander!..
Heart pounding vigorously..
I sail ahead,
To the land of joys and sorrows..
Both intermediant,
Unflappering, Unassuming..
Testing my patience,
To deter my poise..
I stay aloof, Unarmed
Unflinched by vagaries of life..
Suddenly a splash of thunder,
Coaxing me to give in to a blunder..
Lightning strikes the clean sky,
Me left alone to ask why??
With full force of intent,
She ravages the plains of discontent..
Mindful of the fury,
Still i m commiting a perjury..
O Lord! After so much heart burn,
Will there b a light at the end of the tunnel..
Alas!.. I stay an optimist,
What options do i have anyways being a non-conformist!..
Corr-UP-tion or Corrup-SHUN
May 29th '09
Go here, Go there
U dont belong anywhere
Bring this, Bring that
U have incomplete stats
Some money, More money
U cannot move me unless honey
Few adjustments, More faking
U will get what U want w/o shaking(a leg)
I have become so immoral,
I cannot see your sorrows
Whether a penny or a dime,
Everything should be mine, mine
Under the table, Over the top
Work moves in this unusual garb
Hey, it doesnt matter who U r
I, Me, Myself is all that I can revere!...
River of thoughts!...
May 29th '09
Let ur life be a river,
Confluenced by diverse thoughts..
Where pebbles and stones, small and big
Jostling for space to be part of u..
While u march ahead conquering different terrains,
Ur roots are glued to the originating name...
Making new friends along the way,
But keeping old by ur side..
One day u have to merge with the ocean,
But maintaining the distinct identity of urself along the way..
Saturday, April 11, 2009
March 9th '09
Laying horizontal over my bed i was immersed in some kind of thought. Interestingly, the mind veered from topic to topic and was about to settle on one that one more thought came floating from GOD knows where( God is omnipresent i guess!!.. ;) ) I was thinking what GOD must be doing at this point of time, looking precariously over the world from his safe abode. How His world is shaped up. Though i am an atheist but still there is no harm in assuming the existence of GOD for a moment or two. Or is it??..
So out of millions of GOD n GODESSES that are present in our everyday life, each one of them have been assigned a specific role analogous to their abilities which they have developed over the years in their specific DOMAINS!.. (No..NO.. Multi-skilling and Flexibilty is not an issue!!.. ;) )like in a real life project which consists of a team and a leader, a manager and a co-ordinator, developer and a tester..etc etc..
So the most important man for the Job is the "Vishwakarma" i.e Brahma which oversees all the creation and destruction part of the organization.. U can call it as HR department. The Exact requiremnts of the company is taken care of and accordingly planning is done for the next few years. if the Project goes haywire(a.k.a Project Earth ) then he has the power to go for CDR(Corporate Debt Restructuring) or opt for closure of the company and move over to the next organization!!.. Any Scale up or Ramp Down is presided over by him!!.. :) Generator Operator Destroyer.
Next comes the Department of Death which is governed by the Ubiquitous "YAMA". The present work flow balance in this department is somewhat skewed considered the lack of resouces. But orders are overflowing as the conditions on the client side (u guessed it right!!.. Earth) is deterioting day-by-day. Considering the falling tolerance levels of onsite people, the work is expected to be steady over the years. (SO His job is secured!!.. Ufff..these Recessionary Fears!!.. ;) ) Well this is by far the most efficient department with zero Failure rate and u can be assured of timely delivery of WORK-ITEMS(who else!!.. Us) for further processing. Which means it is not a government department but the work is outsourced to third party for Operational efficiency!.. ;) Each time same CAB is used for the transport of the SOULS which needs a upgrade though as it is outdated in the present scheme of things. The Director has been pleading with the Purchase division (we'll see who is the Karta-Dharta of this Vertical!!.. ;) )but to no result.
The Corporate communication Group is heade by "NARAD-MUNI" who by far is the most efficient orator and time conscious recruit. Stating company postions to diverse sets of people to get the point across is His Speciality. The means at His disposal are advanced like the Radio communication and AirWays. The news delivery is highly personalised and to the point. (Unlike the present news readers) The analysis are thorough and comes over the years of experience and the interpretaion is left for the recepient to contemplate by his own intelligence. By the way the Opening Salutation is always the same!!.. (Narayan..Narayan
) this speaks volumes about the consistency and careful articulation of words which is needed to avoid confusion and misrepresentation of FACTS.
The main troubleshooting division for any eventualities is shared by "SHIVA" and "VISHNU". Any problems related to any domain or complexity is solved by these two experts whose services can be availed when all the options have been evaluated and Failed. They have solutions for every problem. (Technical DONs ) Though "SHIVA" is a little eclectic and hot-tempered but his man-management skills are well known..(Considering the scores of followers..) Equipped with the latest resources and equipments (Trishul n Sarp) issues are resolved instantaniously. The level of force used is to be less desired though. While on the other hand "VISHNU" is more temperate and calculative WHO studies the problem at hand and try to find a peaceful solution.His Nature is more ameniable and not prone to frequent fluctuations.
Finance department, as u have guessed it by now, is headed by "LAXMI". The pay packages of all the associates is decided by HER at the start of the financial year depending upon the experience and past performance. GTS targets achieved or not is also an important factor. Though it is alleged that SHE is more favourable to Income group 500k n above leaving the less fortunates to feel desirable.. but this is being corrected by some internal practices taking expert advice from the consulting group and implementing socialistic policies. (BHARAT SHINING..INDIA WHINNING!!..) But a contingency fund is maintained for any future shocks resulting from the unknown circumstances to keep the capital adequecy ratio at desired level. Rumours are abound that the Variable pay of most of the fellow GODS can be severely affected. (Never mind the lower strata of population that dont come in picture most of the times as they r inconsequential and due to intense lobbying from vested interests ;)
Next in line comes the most underestimated but the most important department called The Department of Education i.e THE ACADEMY which is headed by none other than "SARASWATI". We can say that it is in able hands. The initial training after a new joinee is conducted by HER. Also the occasional skill-upgradation programs which crop up from time to time to enable the GODS and their followers to be better equipped with the latest in technology. Though in the past emphasis was on learning by heart but now-a-days intellectual discourse on diverse subjects are conducted to openly exchange views and ideas. The most oustanding achiever is given a chance to select HIS/HER Departments with the senior GODS and rest are given assignments as per availability at that point of time. (though mostly Death vertical is preffered as it has ample onsite opportunities!!.. )
The department of Entertainment and all other miscellaneous functions is handled by "INDRA" .So He assigned to a Horizontal rather than a Vertical. He has at its different means (apsaras and nartakis) to keep the atmosphere in HEAVEN playful. Different competitions are arranged and esteemed guests are flown in for employee satisfaction. Though the seats are limited and on first-come-first-serve basis which often leads to able contestants missing out!!...
Consider the havoc it would cause if any of the departments malfunction. All HELL(pun intended!..)would broke loose. N everyone would be running for cover. There are but obvious inexplicable delays and slip-ups in the project but considering the vast servers at their disposal the problems are sorted out ASAP. (well most of the times!!.. :))
PS :- As and when new Joinees will take place in the organization, U will be notified immediately by mail with their description!!.. ;)
Train to Mumbai!...
Oct 11th '08
I had written this while going for my exam in a train.. Hope u understand the essence of my emotions at that moment!!.. I have written it on the spot
(not literally!.. as the train was moving!.. lol!!.. ) and left it unedited as i feel tampering with it would change its intrinsic characteristics. so please bear with me if there is any dulplication of thoughts.
7:00 PM
Started my journey from the pune station.
Travelling in a train full of humanity, I was soon beseiged by the unending cries of laughter and shouting, swearing and screeching Voices flowing in all possible direction. Admist all this hullabaloo i still felt like a lonely boy searching for answers for the unknown questions from the surrounding. Like a rush of adrenaline to learn something new, his quest to find some exciting thing.
The Mountains and the trees, grass and shrubs diminishing by the seconds and felling into obscurity and haze due to the shearing pace of train. Everything that was clear some moments ago- in stillness- becomes vague in ruffled commotion. Same with the human mind i guess. When the mind is clear of any pre-conceived notion about a thing or a personality then the all things look hunky dory and good. But as soon as we clog our mind by uneasiness and hatred those same things become bad and unenduring.
Meanwhile, I m sitting at the window-alone-looking out thinking. A rush of different time frames, different thoughts, eclectic personalities soon engulfs my mind. Thinking about the past and the present, the laughter i shared, the pain i endured, retrospecting all the past grumbles and quarrels. lively chats, friendly masti, confused and undecisive action. The issues which were so big at that time suddenly seemed so silly and trivial. Trying to learn from it. Not to make that same mistakes again. Not to grumble about the trivial and not-so-important matters. To Become less complaining and more soft at heart.
A flurry of amazing thought occurs to me at that moment of aloofness which is very interesting still mystical. Why is that when we are alone or surrounded by unknown persons, we remember the persons whom we admire n like the most??.. Like the friends with whom we shared that small talk and laughter. Those tiniest of moments bring a sparkle in our eyes and laughter on our lips. Well most of us feel like that if i m not wrong. wat ur mind says??..These lonliest of moments when we r with ourselves and no one else, those close to our heart brings a cheerful feeling to our soul, are with us with their memories and those silliest and cutest face that come in front of our eyes which only our eyes can metamorphise it. They r Like Shadows, refusing to leave us and r connected always.
Moments like these make me realize how important it is to appreciate the people who gives us all the love & warmth of thier heart without expecting anything in return.That's the time i start loving them more than i ever did before. Its really strange in a sense that our deepest feelings which are hidden somewhere deep down is awekened when we r alone, When we see things from a different perspective, just by cutting all the other mundane worldly task we do for our survival.
7:30 PM
Got a message from someone, who is very dear friend of mind and whose simplicity i admire the most, Wishing me luck for my exam. A sudden chain of thoughts erupts in my mind about that person, the things we discussed, the laugh we shared, the crap we talked, the small beautiful moments of friendship, each other's company, dissecting our lives in front of each other. Its all connected!!... Mind suddenly links all the experiences related to a person or thing when we think about that person and present our whole connected life in front of our eyes to relive this moments again. so Exhilarating!!..
It is all because i take some part of them while interacting with them from their interesting and electic and diverse personalities which helps me become a better person than i m right now!!..
Heading away to my destination not knowing my fate 2morrow,
But i m confident and unafraid of the path ahead..
Signing off!!...
7:40 PM
Pune- Mumbai Express!!..
Alumni Meet!...
FEB 11th '09
I had written this speech for the alumni meet in our college which was on 31st Jan '09. But due to the circumstances, (u know how rowdy these get-2gether are!!... :)) , coudnt deliver it!!... Dil ke armaan dil main hi rah gaye!.. ;)
Still thought of putting the transcripts of the speech, so that those who know the situational humour in this could Enjoy it!!.. :)
Firstly, I thank the organizers for putting together such a wonderful event & inviting me for the occasion (that’s the main part! ). Thank you for your warmth and affection and I say this on behalf of everyone present here.
Let’s start.
Well it’s a written speech. What? Everybody now-a-days reads a written speech, from Presidents to Actors. So it’s ok with u I assume! But there is a difference also. I m my own speech-writer, anyways who could afford them now, their charges are ridiculously high!
Anyways...Jokes apart
Starting off… First a disclaimer!
A Disclaimer! You may think that hmm… another shahrukh khan movie types emotional stuff!
Don’t be afraid, it won’t be a run-off-the-mill Hindi picture full of rona dhona and emotional atyachar but is short and fast like screenplay of “A Wednesday”. I assure u that!
That doesn’t mean u can bomb me at the end!
Huh...Where I was..Haan the disclaimer…ok
“The events and characters described here are all real and any resemblances to the living or dead,umm I will change it to suit the occasion,Present or absent is purely intentional. Each and every word spoken is mine, to the best of my knowledge atleast, and not plagiarized. Do not get offended by any off color joke. I know u all r very Sporty!”
Ok...Now the real part!!...
Here I am,
After a year & half’s sabbatical,
Standing before u all,
At the very place where we were recruited to leave…
(Well, yes it was the same hall, Where I still vividly remember, We sitting at the back side(our usual place!) Where one by one everybody was going to the podium—Goosebumps in my stomach waiting for my fate. That time it didn’t occurred that we were going to leave this college once and for all, entering into a different world called corporate world.)
At the same podium where I gave my farewell speech…
(Not many of u remembers that I know, n please don’t remember it.)
Overlooking the same people, who has the courage to hear me twice.
(well…at least some of u!)
In these very surroundings,
I entered (quite reluctantly & after so many hassles)
I learned (well I can pretend to do so!)
I excelled (a little…NO? ok I will strike it off!)
I unlearned (Many things had to be erased from my mind!)
I enjoyed (A hell-of-a-lot actually. Esp. bunking out when the classes were ON was the most memorable and thrilling part. – Never mind that we got an earful after we returned.)
My four years of roller-coaster ride called “The gr8 Engg. Ride”
Those were the days,
When I was first a little hesitated and quiet… (Literally an introvert if I may say so...esp. to girls!)
Had unclear notions and goals.
Little less mature.
Entering into a new world and a new city with unknown mysteries and challenges!
Now After these many years of my courtship with college
(With the usual differences of course..Else all would be dull and uninteresting. )
I learned to look things differently
I matured a little
Learned what to do n what not to do (This is important...what not to do!)
Made lifetime friends! (I think so! don’t believe me?? Raise ur hand guys! Hooting will also do!!)
Met amazing teachers(Right from first year to the fourth)
Honed my logical and managerial skills… (PINNACLE ’06…remember.kyun secretary?)
Learnt to be a prankster (That’s classified) & PJ-ite (In the comp. of Gaurav and tanmay)
Became a chatter-box (Well u can see...No need to explain that!)
Played dumb-charades on result days! (Our idea of stress-buster)
And what NOT!
Everything you see in me today, is due to my four years of extended holiday in this scenic and beautiful college ( Natural beauty as well as intellectual beauty!) and over and above due to the love and affection, support and guidance of my teachers and Friends, Scholars and pranksters!..N everybody I come to think of and know of!
There’s a bit of everybody in me apart from my own individual self confluence into a one single river of thoughts!
Thank You all for such wonderful memories
I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that I could be in college again…
I could be in college again!!....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
‘WEIGHTY’ Truth!!..
SEPT 27th '09
Fighting the bulge,
To get 'THE' look.
Dreaming of a 'BOD',
To look like a star.
Starry images flashing repeatedly…
Those dreamy eyes,
Sculpted torso,
crafty hands,
Fine swaying legs,
Black silky flowing hairs,
Million dollar Smile,
Following an Imaginary trail,
Heightened by un-ceasing & hammering tones.
Undue importance for a fragile body,
Brushing aside imparting Knowledge to mind.
Those kind manners,
Laughing demeanor,
Positive outlook,
Compassion for all,
Charitable soul,
Respecting hands,
Genuine Remorse…
Be what u wanna Become…
Not what others want you to become!!…
To Be or Not to Be!…
SEPT 27th '09
One's self is divided into two; Heart & Mind,
"MAAN ani BUDDHI" as demonstrated by a beautiful play by COEP-ites…
One says DO it, Other says DONT…
Crooked we, Divided between the both.
One is Right,the other Wrong…
How can we decide,when we r ONE.
Mind says GO, Heart says Stay…
What is certain is, I wanna play.
All left behind; Friends & Family…
Dont know where life is going to take me.
To learn new things, new adventures…
Leaving behind old friends, Experiences.
Life amazes us; trivializes us,
To make the right choice of fate.
Splitted between my two parts of conscience…
"MAAN ani BUDDHI" konache aikawe???…
Awards Night(Mare)!!..
SEPT 28th '09
Welcome to the awards night,
One of a dozen this year showing their Might.
Off the hook performances,
Some lies;some deceits & lots of assurances.
Where performance "PAYS",
In the form of a glittering statuete.
The film "FRATERNITY" out in full force,
Force of repulsion, hatred & jealousy.
Smile on the faces, the diction always right..
Scornful in the minds & heart feeling spite.
Year-on-year same faces get the due,
Where are the others who can fill in the shoes??
Some are feted, Many ignored..
The whims of jury always comes to the fore.
Maybe some years hence, they will be sane..
N start imitating their counterparts in the WEST!!..
Reality Shows!!..
SEPT 28th '09
Different Personalities; Different men,
All coming together for a social fun.
Myriad problems;eclectic minds,
Fighting off a "REAL" demon or created Surprise.
Unscripted, Unknown Events
Life comes at its own pace.
Voters are assumed Supreme,
But the FAV. of all keep coming back to lay claim to the creme.
Nitty-gritty of their life lay bared,
Some real;Other Stage-managed.
At the End of it, What we got??..
To Judge other's life and actions,
When,if at all, We should be minding Ours…
Time to ponder!..
Nov 29th ‘08
Life is busy as hell…
Moments occupied with trivial matters…
Not finding enuf time to pursue ur dreams..
Is it not the time to pause(for Yourself!)?
Home away from home…
Pre-occupied with the sundry mundane things..
Not finding enuf time to be in touch with ur dear ones..
Is it not the time to pause(for ur family!)?
Silent for days together…
Not even a trace of the melodious voice…
Not finding enuf time for the people who care n adore u..
Is it not the time to pause(for ur friends!)?
Speedin away irrespective of not wanted(red signal!.)..
Not heeding the common rule of conduct..
Not finding enuf time to reflect upon one’s conscience..
Is it not the time to pause(for ur society)?
Blood soaked day n night…
Bunch of madmen taking nation hostage..
Not finding enuf soul to mourn the losses..
Is it not the time to STAND-UP(for the nation)?