Oct 11th '08
I had written this while going for my exam in a train.. Hope u understand the essence of my emotions at that moment!!.. I have written it on the spot
(not literally!.. as the train was moving!.. lol!!.. ) and left it unedited as i feel tampering with it would change its intrinsic characteristics. so please bear with me if there is any dulplication of thoughts.
7:00 PM
Started my journey from the pune station.
Travelling in a train full of humanity, I was soon beseiged by the unending cries of laughter and shouting, swearing and screeching Voices flowing in all possible direction. Admist all this hullabaloo i still felt like a lonely boy searching for answers for the unknown questions from the surrounding. Like a rush of adrenaline to learn something new, his quest to find some exciting thing.
The Mountains and the trees, grass and shrubs diminishing by the seconds and felling into obscurity and haze due to the shearing pace of train. Everything that was clear some moments ago- in stillness- becomes vague in ruffled commotion. Same with the human mind i guess. When the mind is clear of any pre-conceived notion about a thing or a personality then the all things look hunky dory and good. But as soon as we clog our mind by uneasiness and hatred those same things become bad and unenduring.
Meanwhile, I m sitting at the window-alone-looking out thinking. A rush of different time frames, different thoughts, eclectic personalities soon engulfs my mind. Thinking about the past and the present, the laughter i shared, the pain i endured, retrospecting all the past grumbles and quarrels. lively chats, friendly masti, confused and undecisive action. The issues which were so big at that time suddenly seemed so silly and trivial. Trying to learn from it. Not to make that same mistakes again. Not to grumble about the trivial and not-so-important matters. To Become less complaining and more soft at heart.
A flurry of amazing thought occurs to me at that moment of aloofness which is very interesting still mystical. Why is that when we are alone or surrounded by unknown persons, we remember the persons whom we admire n like the most??.. Like the friends with whom we shared that small talk and laughter. Those tiniest of moments bring a sparkle in our eyes and laughter on our lips. Well most of us feel like that if i m not wrong. wat ur mind says??..These lonliest of moments when we r with ourselves and no one else, those close to our heart brings a cheerful feeling to our soul, are with us with their memories and those silliest and cutest face that come in front of our eyes which only our eyes can metamorphise it. They r Like Shadows, refusing to leave us and r connected always.
Moments like these make me realize how important it is to appreciate the people who gives us all the love & warmth of thier heart without expecting anything in return.That's the time i start loving them more than i ever did before. Its really strange in a sense that our deepest feelings which are hidden somewhere deep down is awekened when we r alone, When we see things from a different perspective, just by cutting all the other mundane worldly task we do for our survival.
7:30 PM
Got a message from someone, who is very dear friend of mind and whose simplicity i admire the most, Wishing me luck for my exam. A sudden chain of thoughts erupts in my mind about that person, the things we discussed, the laugh we shared, the crap we talked, the small beautiful moments of friendship, each other's company, dissecting our lives in front of each other. Its all connected!!... Mind suddenly links all the experiences related to a person or thing when we think about that person and present our whole connected life in front of our eyes to relive this moments again. so Exhilarating!!..
It is all because i take some part of them while interacting with them from their interesting and electic and diverse personalities which helps me become a better person than i m right now!!..
Heading away to my destination not knowing my fate 2morrow,
But i m confident and unafraid of the path ahead..
Signing off!!...
7:40 PM
Pune- Mumbai Express!!..
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