Trying to write something after a long time…All my body parts r aching calling for help but still will try to write something…so the day started in a routine manner as we reached the office loaded with all our baggage in our hands and fun n excitement in our minds about our Kolad trip…we bided our time till four o'clock waiting anxiously for the trip to begin…all were in jolly mood as it was the first trip together of our notorious AJ027 batch.we got the wind of the things to come @ the start of the trip as Pappa got into the act…Exchanging some good things with the Bad ones..(i have a resolution to make now…not to drink COKE again..!!! )… C.R. of our batch is very enthusiastic(and proud of course..!!! ) striving to make the pamplet of our BATCH and managing to just do it by a whisker… carrying on the same enthusiasm in the bus soon we were engulfed by the antakshari mania where all of us(Barring some unintersted elements..!! ) were singing to the tunes of hindi as well as marathi music.well it became the contest of Girls Vs Boys(albeit a fair n in good spirit ) trying b one up on each other..but i must say that we won by a slight margin..!!! Singing and dancing to the tunes we reached the destination in high spirits(one of us was literally..and dont ask me who..!!! ) ready to take the challenge head on! As soon as we landed our foot into the jungle we got the wind of things to come. The place was looking like a military camp and we as their soldiers ready to learn some skill to overcome our enemies!..(But by far we r our only enemies till now!..)The strict looking General blurted out some fast instructions which were difficult to listen and in future more difficult to follow..(meantime PaPPa was trying to stay Grounded!..)we were shown our cottage by some trying-to-look-tough men and women which would be our abode for the night.Everyone chose their favourite dwelling place splitting in groups of Fantastic 4!..
Everything seemed settled when we heard Pappa screaming his PANTS out..(literally!…:)) in fear of an unknown creature taking refuge in his beloved body like a parasite clinging onto his living support!..after much deliberations it was found out that the creature was a figment of his imagination(Due to small quant. of liquid that bam-'booz'led him!..).
Everything settled now!..Its time to get fresh after a long journey and the strenous vocal exercises on en-route. our stomach were in dire need of some supplies. So we headed towards the Dinner table but a bigger surprise awaited us there!…we were standing in circle where a bonfire was brilliantly stacked up in the middle of the courtyard..we all from both the batches were present in full strngth encircling the fireplace not knowing wat to expect next!… The general-in-command started blurting out sm instructions which we were not heeding too delicious food kept coming in front of my eyes to haunt me…The honour of liting the fire went to the youngest member of the batch…i think it was pAppa..(Dont go by his bulging looks!..he is still the youngest and the naughties of the lot!..)
A special contest was organized to test the skills of cadets!..Apart from looking good physically we had to be mentally strong also..hain na??..ready for any eventualities! we were divided in groups and told to perform a stage show of any subject of our choice along wit a team name…so we all began preparing to stage a coup-de-grace!…Everyone was so excited everything else seemed non-existent!…Planning and performance practise was going on in full swing!…Finally it was time for performance!…there were lots of gud performances n acting skills displayed..notable among those i liked were the extraordinary skills shown by rahul of GURU-bhai fame!(the film made a lasting impact on him!!..inspiring stuff!..)…The kanda-pohe samarambha of Garima!..(it was a dress rehersal for her!..hehe..:) in real life she had undergone this ordeal…)pam-pam's tapori style a.k.a munna from rangeela!!..etc..etc…The funniest name that i remember until now is a team called..HALLA-BOL!..n their style of enacting their team slogan!…believe me it was hilarious!..i was laughing like hell!!..All in all was a good activity to do!..specially after so many years!..
So we retreated to our tents feeling tired and exhausted!!.. Everyone was feeling dizzy and wanted to just doze off on the bed!!… We changed ourselves and were in a state of half-asleep with our bodies half flying in the air,light weighted, in our dreamy state!!..
But everyone was feeling the rush of cold and natural wind breeze past their faces which provided a sense deja vu. We all gathered outside on the lawns in front of the tent gazing the stars above which were out in full numbers,against a clear sky, filling us with their warmth and coolness!!..

We all gathered in a tent for a short ghost story session to which many of the guests were quite afraid of!.. n were not in a mood or courage to listen. Anyways we started off with the same old ghosts, witches and scary things which were quite interesting to listen but hard to digest. The story session came to abrupt end as many were quite frightened by the turn of events n rest were simply doozing off due to sleep!.
After these lovely and unforgettable moments, we head back to respective tents (While there was still some noise blurting out in the background…Looks like the other team is having a GALA time… somewhere in between hear that not-so-LOUD voice that had enamoured(??) us in our training days!!.. to which our dear professors were very glad to hear in timeframe of few seconds!!.. ) exchanging good-byes..thinking of the long day ahead tomorow!!.. We quickly went to sleep!!..
The morning was early(Sun was also not awake yet!!.. ;P) n we were ordered to march on the playground for a morning excercise drill. Many of us reluctantly left the warmth of the blankets and started to get ready for the ordeal. All of a sudden there was a rush of humanities trying to get ready on time. After all the mundane daily routine activities, we assembled on the ground hoping in my mind that the parade would b less severe. But now the marching orders were given n we were running like hell in the long circle going round and round, god knows how many times. After 3-4 rounds, many of us,including me, were very tired and panting hoping for a miracle to happen so that the trainer would become magically invisible from the scene of action. Meanwhile pam-pam(thats his AJ-27 name!!.. ) was as agile as ever and was covering the ground with characteristic ease and energy. After some time looking at our sullen faces, may be the instructor also felt mercy for us n our first excercise routine was over after a few minutes.. (though it felt like ages!!..)
After performing some more strenuous excersices we were quite literally feeling like a commando. (well.. dont go by the bulging looks!!.. ) Exhaustion was visible on the faces of one and all n at that point of time i wanted to just go to the tent and have a good sleep irrespective of the schedule ahead!!..
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