Monday, September 22, 2008
If u read it too fast,then u will miss some precious moments of it.
If u read it too slow, then some pages of it will remain unread.
RAM-RAM(Version 1.1)
SEPT 14th '08
Prologue :- Now the situation is like this… I have a RAM of 512 MB installed on my PC which slows down like hell when I use my eclipse..
The RAM is personified and addressed to.
RAM-RAM, I had been echoing for days together,
N all of u feel like i m getting humbler.
With my cries going un-noticed for days n nights,
Looking for someone who could suffice.
Strutting along the floors in anticipation..
N all i get is a re-assurance tied with un-gratification.
N they say–Dictatorship has long been subdued,
But where's the Democracy which we have subsumed.
Where every decision is taken from a place centralized,
Do we have anyone who can de-centralize??
Looks like their routers have failed,
I know the ONE who should be nailed(
Like they(the Americans!…) say, We have been BANGALORED!…
I say, I M CHENNAI-ed!…
RAM-RAM(Version 1.0)
SEPT 14th '08
Prologue :- Now the situation is like this… I have a RAM of 512 MB installed on my PC which slows down like hell when I use my eclipse..
The RAM is personified and addressed to.
Struggling to keep pace with my screen,
Dear, Where the hell have u been??
Hidden in the confines of the dusty board,
Making life miserable for the already miserable soul.
When a click of the button takes ages…
Then UR importance centerstages.
Waiting for u to take all the bits and that bytes,
It seems to me as time has stopped for a quick bite.
Rowdy And Mischievous self,
The true character of urs emanates.
Enjoying the sporadic breaks resulting from ur crashing,
I catch up with my friends who r happy and dashing.
Hope to get u a brother soon,
Which will save me from going over the moon…
Alas!..Waiting for something to happen…
Bihar Kursed!..
Sept 11th..
Everything was looki' so serene;
We had mistaken it for the prosperity..
Engrossed in their daily mundane activities;
Not knowing of the dangers awaiting…
Suddenly there was a gushing noise;
which would deter their poise..
The sound of water heard from a distance;
Approaching the path to annihilation..
In a sudden flash of a moment;
Everything is changed, lifeless as well as living..
Scrambling to take shelter in this deluge;
Kosi ravaging the plains of Buddha's muse…
Is this the nature's way to take revenge;
And the cycle of destruction and recreation perpetuates…
In this time of Despair: We stand united..
Lets Open our hearts to those who r Unfortunate…
Let the calamity subside,
I m sure everybody will muster the courage to rise!!..
An Hazy Evening!..
August 24th
Sun sets with a orange flair,
Disappearing behind the imaginary trail..
Trees standing tall-overlooking darkness,
Making a beeline in the stillness(of water)..
Birds with their unflinching attitude,
Returning after finishing their jobs with gratitude..
Underneath the calmness of sea,
Life form takes shape in a jiffy..
The intellectual types confined to their dwellings,
Come out in hordes with their prides swelling..
Every street & corner blaring out sounds loudly,
To the sea of humans gathering proudly..
Preparations underway to celebrate gokul,
One and all climbing vertically to get to the MIGHTY..
Reaffirms our faith in kindness of heart,
One dependent on other to reach pinnacle..
hey,Let us not part on trivialities,
Make ourselves strong to be unaffected by hatred and communalities..
Salute to Nature and Human Spirit!…
Hope amidst Despair!..
August 24th
Behind the crooked walls of existence,
Hope flies out of desperation…
Looking out for a hint of light,
Which can challenge HIS might…
The darkness of the hour,
Subsumed by the overbearance of fear…
Fear,which is unknown to the sight,
Looking out for some respite?
Marred by the inhibitions of thought,
Can't see beyond the gloomy plot…
Believing in the might of self,
For our fate to resurrect..
O! I ought to be a optimist,
But the events circumvent(us)..
To see beyond what is stated,
Is it not the Destiny we have created???
Kolad Kalling..!!
Trying to write something after a long time…All my body parts r aching calling for help but still will try to write something…so the day started in a routine manner as we reached the office loaded with all our baggage in our hands and fun n excitement in our minds about our Kolad trip…we bided our time till four o'clock waiting anxiously for the trip to begin…all were in jolly mood as it was the first trip together of our notorious AJ027 batch.we got the wind of the things to come @ the start of the trip as Pappa got into the act…Exchanging some good things with the Bad ones..(i have a resolution to make now…not to drink COKE again..!!! )… C.R. of our batch is very enthusiastic(and proud of course..!!! ) striving to make the pamplet of our BATCH and managing to just do it by a whisker… carrying on the same enthusiasm in the bus soon we were engulfed by the antakshari mania where all of us(Barring some unintersted elements..!! ) were singing to the tunes of hindi as well as marathi music.well it became the contest of Girls Vs Boys(albeit a fair n in good spirit ) trying b one up on each other..but i must say that we won by a slight margin..!!! Singing and dancing to the tunes we reached the destination in high spirits(one of us was literally..and dont ask me who..!!! ) ready to take the challenge head on! As soon as we landed our foot into the jungle we got the wind of things to come. The place was looking like a military camp and we as their soldiers ready to learn some skill to overcome our enemies!..(But by far we r our only enemies till now!..)The strict looking General blurted out some fast instructions which were difficult to listen and in future more difficult to follow..(meantime PaPPa was trying to stay Grounded!..)we were shown our cottage by some trying-to-look-tough men and women which would be our abode for the night.Everyone chose their favourite dwelling place splitting in groups of Fantastic 4!..
Everything seemed settled when we heard Pappa screaming his PANTS out..(literally!…:)) in fear of an unknown creature taking refuge in his beloved body like a parasite clinging onto his living support!..after much deliberations it was found out that the creature was a figment of his imagination(Due to small quant. of liquid that bam-'booz'led him!..).
Everything settled now!..Its time to get fresh after a long journey and the strenous vocal exercises on en-route. our stomach were in dire need of some supplies. So we headed towards the Dinner table but a bigger surprise awaited us there!…we were standing in circle where a bonfire was brilliantly stacked up in the middle of the courtyard..we all from both the batches were present in full strngth encircling the fireplace not knowing wat to expect next!… The general-in-command started blurting out sm instructions which we were not heeding too delicious food kept coming in front of my eyes to haunt me…The honour of liting the fire went to the youngest member of the batch…i think it was pAppa..(Dont go by his bulging looks!..he is still the youngest and the naughties of the lot!..)
A special contest was organized to test the skills of cadets!..Apart from looking good physically we had to be mentally strong also..hain na??..ready for any eventualities! we were divided in groups and told to perform a stage show of any subject of our choice along wit a team name…so we all began preparing to stage a coup-de-grace!…Everyone was so excited everything else seemed non-existent!…Planning and performance practise was going on in full swing!…Finally it was time for performance!…there were lots of gud performances n acting skills displayed..notable among those i liked were the extraordinary skills shown by rahul of GURU-bhai fame!(the film made a lasting impact on him!!..inspiring stuff!..)…The kanda-pohe samarambha of Garima!..(it was a dress rehersal for her!..hehe..:) in real life she had undergone this ordeal…)pam-pam's tapori style a.k.a munna from rangeela!!..etc..etc…The funniest name that i remember until now is a team called..HALLA-BOL!..n their style of enacting their team slogan!…believe me it was hilarious!..i was laughing like hell!!..All in all was a good activity to do!..specially after so many years!..
So we retreated to our tents feeling tired and exhausted!!.. Everyone was feeling dizzy and wanted to just doze off on the bed!!… We changed ourselves and were in a state of half-asleep with our bodies half flying in the air,light weighted, in our dreamy state!!..
But everyone was feeling the rush of cold and natural wind breeze past their faces which provided a sense deja vu. We all gathered outside on the lawns in front of the tent gazing the stars above which were out in full numbers,against a clear sky, filling us with their warmth and coolness!!..

We all gathered in a tent for a short ghost story session to which many of the guests were quite afraid of!.. n were not in a mood or courage to listen. Anyways we started off with the same old ghosts, witches and scary things which were quite interesting to listen but hard to digest. The story session came to abrupt end as many were quite frightened by the turn of events n rest were simply doozing off due to sleep!.
After these lovely and unforgettable moments, we head back to respective tents (While there was still some noise blurting out in the background…Looks like the other team is having a GALA time… somewhere in between hear that not-so-LOUD voice that had enamoured(??) us in our training days!!.. to which our dear professors were very glad to hear in timeframe of few seconds!!.. ) exchanging good-byes..thinking of the long day ahead tomorow!!.. We quickly went to sleep!!..
The morning was early(Sun was also not awake yet!!.. ;P) n we were ordered to march on the playground for a morning excercise drill. Many of us reluctantly left the warmth of the blankets and started to get ready for the ordeal. All of a sudden there was a rush of humanities trying to get ready on time. After all the mundane daily routine activities, we assembled on the ground hoping in my mind that the parade would b less severe. But now the marching orders were given n we were running like hell in the long circle going round and round, god knows how many times. After 3-4 rounds, many of us,including me, were very tired and panting hoping for a miracle to happen so that the trainer would become magically invisible from the scene of action. Meanwhile pam-pam(thats his AJ-27 name!!.. ) was as agile as ever and was covering the ground with characteristic ease and energy. After some time looking at our sullen faces, may be the instructor also felt mercy for us n our first excercise routine was over after a few minutes.. (though it felt like ages!!..)
After performing some more strenuous excersices we were quite literally feeling like a commando. (well.. dont go by the bulging looks!!.. ) Exhaustion was visible on the faces of one and all n at that point of time i wanted to just go to the tent and have a good sleep irrespective of the schedule ahead!!..
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bidding adieu to NISHIT..apde apde..!!
well starting from that fateful(or unfateful??:)) day in cognizant when i first met u..(i still remember it in my mind vividly..we all sitting @ Room no-7 sai infotech..u sitting at my back chair..n we introduced ourselves!.) all of us shifting to the MMCE..where we shared the space in front row of the grid(although mistakenly..due to me reserving the place the prev day in full frontal view of our beloved sir..6 of us) ..where we formed our own PJ community(remember..6 members!..) where we teared apart every joke and laughed our heart out..n disbanded it but with sm our first magic pratik's birthday party..(where ur not so celebrated friend NAKKA came..i know he irritates u..?nahi kya?:))..where we made the birthday boy to withdraw money from ATM for our special and big treat..;) teasing u day and night by calling u GUJRATI(most of it stems from the fact that u never used to call to keep in touch days long:)..n i wud b waiting:( )..n u retorting by hurling MARWARI @ me..(but i acknowledge both r genetically very same..hehe..kya bolta ??Gud,affable,smart,handsome..bus jyaada tarif ho gayee..:))..rechristening ur name to apde apde..sitting side by side @ICC in that Creepy room for full 10 days..reserving the place for each other..sharing the computer...learning some oracle stuff(the gr8 ORACLE-THE GOD should have been called to teach us!)..Planning to go to OM SHANTI OM(bye the way..PICTURE abhi baki hain mere DOST!..HAPPYS BEGINNING..!!:))..where all but u n me backed out..but we still went both of us riding on my HAYABUSA..sitting in LOWER stall in MANGALA screen no-1..where we enjoyed evry moment of the movie n laughing our pants out..(I can infer that by just looking to ur FACE..err TEETH..;) jumping like a jack in the seat) and reciting the movie dialogues day and night..n making us tear our hair in the days we shifted back to hinjewadi and gone through each and every Moment of our lives..the EXAMS,CANTEEN KATTA,KOLAD, our HRD(harihareshwar-raigad-diveagar)summit,CRICNIZENT..with the VEER-DA-DHABA..where most of us were TULLY..n dancing like there is no 2morrow..U behaving like a drunkard(but i know u had not taken a single sip!..)..still remember U hitting me repeteadly in my STOMACH..n in usual self uttering dialogue..ISSE PYAR BADHTA HAI RE..and telling me..YAHAN PE EK AUR BAAR AYENGE..JAATE WAQT..!!for your FAREWELL..(Waiting Eagerly..!!)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Gazing past Trees above...
lukin up the sky thru the trees,
small droplets falling on the face,
coming thro' small openings in between the trees
feels like falling of nectar from the sky..
walking calmly into the night,
thinking abt the forces of nature..
which satiate us,gives us joy,
pain and suffering comes in the package..
walking down the endless road,
thinking about the spell of rain,
which brings joy to many..sorrow to some,
A night in Rain
when i peep out of my window..
i see rain pouring down,
evrything so still,calm and unruffled..
as in all the living creatures(inc. Humans) have disappeared from this world..
trying to find solace into their confinements,waiting for their moment to come..
when i peep out of my window..
I see trees fluttering like there is no tomorow..
birds flying in a formation urging us to stay together..
reaching out to a common goal..
a sense of liveliness in their chirp..
when i peep out of my window..
I see the clouds have given way to bright sunlight
which deemed impossible minutes back.
the sun beaming in full glow,
illuminating the dew creating magical colors
when i peep out of my window..
I see rain as a metaphor for life,
sorrow some times..
and happiness in the next..
The dark clouds of sadness,sorrow,pain..
giving way to the silver lining of happiness,pleasure,fun..
The adventurism of our thoughts is amazing..!!!