
Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Life according to Literature!..

Sept 3rd 2009

Describe Yourself: Life of a Pi (Yann Martel) (Adventerous!..) ;-), iWoz(Steve Wozniak)

How do you feel: Screw It, Lets Do it(Richard Branson)

Describe where you currently live: Keep off the grass!.. ;) (Karan Bajaj) ( Don't cm near my house!. Evil eyes!..;))

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The India I Love(Ruskin Bond) (Different shades of My Country!.. :) )

Your favorite form of transportation: Lost flamingoes of Bombay (Siddharth Sanghvi)(I make do with CTS bus 4 a change!..)

Your best friend is: One 100 years of solitude(Gabriel) (Self-Explanatory!.. :) )

You and your friends are: Wise and Otherwise(Sudha Murthy) (Guess who is who!.. ;) ), The Book Thief(Markus Zusac)

What’s the weather like: Above Average (Amitabh Bagchi) :)

Favourite time of day: Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie)(Actually the reverse!.. Break of the Dawn!.. ;) )

What is life to you: Tha Da Vinci Code(Dan Brown) (Entangled in Mysteries!.. ;) )

Your fear: Black Margins(Sa'dat Hasan Manto)

What is the best advice you have to give: Stay hungry,Stay Foolish (And make other fellow also foolish!..)

Thought for the Day: How to have a Beautiful Mind(Edward de Bono)(Lively!.. )

How you would like to die: Cold Steel(Tim Bouquet and Byron Ousey) (Down but not out!.. :) )

Your soul’s present condition: The Hungry tide (Amitav Ghosh)

Hope u liked it!... :)